Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Week in the Life, Otherwise Known as Teaching Digital Text

One girl, one week, and one record of digital technology combine to solve the questions the world waits breathlessly to have answered:  What digital technologies does Anna use, and how will she incorporate them into her classroom? I realize that at this point you are on the edge of your seat, dying to know just what technology I engaged with this week.  Wait no longer, the table below reveals just what it was I used for all my digital technology needs.   And remember, we’re talking digital technology, so my blender, although a super cool provider of scrumptious dinners, doesn’t count.

           Internet programs

            Yes, it is digital—pretty
            high tech, huh?
           Internet Stuff

As you can see, my life is not exactly jammed packed with digital gizmos.  My phone isn’t even the coveted iPhone, and my laptop is certainly not the top-of-the-line.    However, after tracking my technology use, I am still pretty optimistic about using it in my classroom.  As you may gather from the above data, I use basic computer programs almost every day, and I feel highly proficient in accomplishing simple computer tasks such as sending off an email, adding a blog post, or creating a PowerPoint.   This will be critical in my classroom, as I will need to make sure students can access and use these programs.  Also, I have efficiently used other programs such as Prezi, Twitter, Diigo, LibraryThing, Wikis, Technocrati, podcasts, and Wimba, so I feel that I have a fairly broad range of current technologeies to draw from.  Recognizing that by the time I enter the classroom, some, if not many, of these will be obsolete, I still propose how I could use a few of them into my English classroom, as knowing how to incorporate these will increase my ability to incorporate future digital texts and technologies. 

Summarizing, Explaining, Connecting
I imagine few people think of texting as high quality literature.  Yet I believe they have a place in the English classroom.  Why not use texting as a fun way for students to engage with and create writing?  One example may be to translate heavily dialectic or complex passages (selections from Huckleberry Finn, for instance), into text messages, or emails?  In our 4200 class we discussed the importance of students making connections for true learning to occur, and I know from personal experience that it takes personal experience to truly know something, to gain ownership over it.  Translating Confusing or dialectal materials into digital text (I would make students type, rather than actually text me) with modern words and conventions while leaving meaning and connotation intact would require students to truly know the material, and change it into a format they already know (i.e. texting, informal emails).  This activity would require imagination and adaptability on behalf of the students, but it would also allow individual expression and connections to their everyday life. 
An added bonus of using these kinds of literacies may allow students to learn to summarize material, such as asking students to post a “Facebook post” or “tweet” about the chapter they are reading…..with a limited number of characters at their disposal, students would have to pick out main ideas and condescend material, much like the annotating strategy we discussed in 4200.  Condensing and finding themes are a crucial part of English Content.    
Digital texts may be a great way to bring in primary and alternative sources.  Google books hosts and the Gutenberg project both host numerous documents and texts that supplement and challenge novels and texts read in class.  Asking students to research these materials or displaying them for the class allows students to interact with multiple points of view, and gain a greater context for their reading and writing. 
Podcasts and audio also add meaning to literacy, as students could listen to interviews, colloquial language and accents, pertinent stories and information, and other sources that create meaning, depth, and connection. 

Another use of digital literacy may be to teach students more about communication, while requiring them to engage in critical thinking and questioning.  Blogs, emails, and other up-and-coming substantive communication facilities are a great way for students to participate in active communication and collaboration.  Students may be required to email or blog with a peer back and forth with questions about the texts they are reading, and respond to their partner’s questions and comments.  This activity could be held outside of class (emails would be printed off to hand in), yet gives students a chance to independently develop and share what they are thinking, feeling, and questioning, and receive timely feedback and evaluation.  In some situations, students could be given imaginary or historical roles (one partner plays Huck, the other plays Jim, or one partner plays Abraham Lincoln, the other a southern Slave) to get students projecting about the material they read.  This kind of collaboration may be one more key in creating a collaborative classroom, rather than one based on the transmission model based on teacher power.    

If you still reading and haven’t already dashed off, unable to contain your urge to immediately implement these grand ideas into you teaching, you may be thinking technology is all well and good, but what about the students who do not have access to these kinds of digital technologies and texts at home?  What about the kids without any background knowledge or experience to scaffold their participation?  All these activity ideas operate under the assumption that students have access to computers and the internet before, after, and during school hours in order to complete their assignments.  All other equipment would not be necessary to complete the assignment, and complete the assignment well.  I also pledge to NEVER take it for granted that students know how to use technology, and provide support for that without boring the students who are already pros.  For cutting edge or rarely used ways of accessing digital texts (Technocrati, for example) I would give quick introduction seminars to the whole class.  For ALL technology, I would provide a list of online or printed tutorials and explanations (YouTube can teach you anything), as well as offering “office hours” and individual appointments to explain any of the technology or programs we are currently working with—no strings attached.   These seminars would be useful for students in other academic areas, since most teachers require a basic knowledge of internet research and word processing skills.  You may now take your deep sigh of relief; these students will not be left stranded in the bewildering sea of digital literacy.  Which is good, since I’m sure it will often be my students who pull me out of that bewilderment as technology progresses.    

As with almost anything, I think technology can prove ineffective, and even harmful if not handled correctly.  The below video, found at hosted by Alan November, as well as YouTube, offers some helpful ideas, insights, and activities for successful use of digital texts and other technologies in the classroom.  Enjoy!

Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom by Alan November from November Learning on Vimeo.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why English Class is Awesome

Someone should have paid more attention in English Class...

 English Class is AWESOME!!!!! I mean, reading takes you to new places, makes you smarter, and is one of the cheapest forms of exciting entertainment.  Writing allows you to persuade, express, and, with a little practice, entertain (check out for a reminder on why clever writing rocks)!
Reading is often the basis for success in all your other classes.  The last time you read a science textbook, solved a mathematical word problem, or completed your Phys. Ed. Written test on badminton, did you remember to thank all the words you’ve ever read in your life?  They helped you complete those assignments, you know.  Reading improves vocabulary and spelling…..employers will love you, and in this economy, that is a very, very good thing!  When we read we access new ideas—whether about chemistry, politics, or the weather, reading lets you understand what goes on in this world we live in.  

Here is a list of activities that good reading makes A LOT easier:
· Understanding exactly what terrible side affects you have to look forward to with your new medical prescription.

· Car manuals: To some of us, reading the Japanese instructions is just as helpful as the English

· Reading food labels for allergies, calories, ingredients, or just checking to make sure you’re getting chicken and not dog meat….

· Baby care products:  All you future parents better know how to read the baby bottom ointment label…….

· Reading bus schedules, traffic notices, plane itineraries.  Without reading, you’re gonna get way lost, way fast.

· Think of the money you could save on taxes, if only you knew how to read those darned forms right…..

·Shopping receipts: Getting over charged is nothing new, right?  

·   If you can’t thoroughly read your housing or loan contract, it’s no big deal, right?   Like going to jail or owing millions of dollars more than you thought is no big deal…..    

· Movie titles, times, locations, and prices….You wouldn’t want to end up at Chubby Bunny’s sing-a-long with you meant to see that new action flick, would you?

Hold on a second, you might be saying, What does reading these sorts of things have to do with studying “Wuthering Heights” or “To Kill a Mockingbird?” Although we will spent a good amount of time learning to decode and apply informational and expository text, fiction reading is also a huge part of our current curriculum.  And it’s not just to torture you.
            Knowing how to pick out the main idea, find symbols, recognize point of view and the reliability of a narrator are all common things we do with literature, yet far too few students realize that these skills transfer to the “real world.”  When you pick up a textbook, do you automatically trust the opinions and beliefs?  (Enter point of view and narrator reliability).  When your boss asks you to read company statements, can you summarize them into memorable points (enter main idea)?  Basically, the skills you garner from reading complex plots and a variety of narrative styles does indeed increase your ability to succeed in the other aspects of your life. 

The number one reason for English class?  Good grammar could save your life one day……

Cartoons from

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello!  I am Anna Huber McBride, an average girl in love with chocolate and chilling in the Logan outdoors.  I am an English major, so it shouldn't be any shock that I like to write and love to read, and that I was one of those kids in elementary school who got in trouble for having her nose in a book.  I play the piano and attempt the organ, and I like music of all genres, although my current fascination is Russian rap.  I'm a full-time student and have most recently worked on a vegetable farm and as a English/Stats tutor for the Athletic department at USU.  The rest of my life is fairly ordinary and uninteresting (excluding my wonderful husband), so I like to liven things up with fishing, a good hike or occasional hula-hooping session.  Chocolate milk and reruns of "The Andy Griffith Show" never hurt anyone either.

When I tell people I want to teach high school English, I rarely get much of a response.   To many, English is a class full of formidable gerunds and jargon and hours of floundering around in an emotional, bewildering sea of poetic jumble that your teacher insists is a figurative expression of the meaning of life, possible political anarchy, and the speaker’s deceased Labradoodle.  Occasionally, English class feels like that to me too, plus or minus a few diagramed sentences and arguments over the intentional use of iambic trimeter.  Yet it is so much more. 
                I have always been a lover of words, of meanings, of the intricate complexities of how we say things and why we say them.  Expression, the ability to speak, to write, to form meaning out of pure impressionistic thought, changes everything.  It is the power to bring into the world ideas that could only exist otherwise, existing without use or direction, dying with the death of a single individual. Language is a magic too-often taken for granted, a magic that preserves and binds, as well as liberates and, at times, destroys.
                Reading, both of fiction and informational texts, is a way to enter the perceptions of others, and collect the infinite volumes of information the world holds.  Writing is a way to turn pieces of mind and soul into a decodable thing, a way for others to acknowledge our unique experience and view.  Ideally, English class teaches how to access the English language preserved in text.  It is the basis of accessing all other disciplines. 
                It is this exchange of ideas, along with the pure pleasure of learning (and yes, I include learning the lives of fictional characters as learning), that draws me to English.  By teaching English, I hope to communicate part of the greatness expertise in a language brings, both a greatness of available information and the great responsibility that comes with that information.

Idealistic, and perhaps even a bit sentimental?  Absolutely. 

Impossible?  Absolutely not.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to the Literacy and Learning blog!  Basically, this blog will help me answer introspective questions about who I am as a future English teacher while completing assignments about literacy for my SCED 4200 class.  More coming soon!